Man sleeping in bed at night

Sleep serves as the foundation of SAND GEMS™ approach as it is required to maintain both our mental and physical health. But most of us either don’t get enough good quality sleep – whether it be due to work pressures, family obligations, or other distractions.

Think of the acronym PEM when you are trying to establish good sleep habits:

Physical – is your body ready for sleep? One of the best ways to prepare the body physically is to exercise. TIP – take an evening walk to help wind the physical body down. Learn about supplements to help improve your sleep, the connection between gut health and sleep, and how to establish a sleep routine.

Environment – is your bedroom designed for sleep, or is it a multi-purpose room also used for watching tv, eating, etc.? Do sounds and other distractions prevent a good night’s sleep? Do you get distracted by your mobile device by keeping it by your bedside? Get tips here to make the most of the environment you have.

Mindfulness – for many that suffer from insomnia, sleep is a “thing” that creates a bit of an obsession. We obsess and think about it during the day – “Will I get a good night’s sleep today?” Then when we put our heads down, we start thinking about it. Learn how meditation can help you eliminate this cycle of thinking too much about sleep and let it occur naturally instead of obsessing over it.

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