Man running


Exercise plays a key role in maintaining not just physical health, but helps our mental health too.  Five main benefits of exercise include:

Helps with depression and anxiety by increasing endorphin levels (the chemicals that make us happy). It has been proven so much that most doctors will prescribe exercise before giving prescription medication.

Decreases stress by reducing symptoms related to the fight or flight response, increases your endorphins, and by acting as meditation in motion, exercise does wonders to reduce stress.

Improves self-confidence and self-esteem. After you exercise (even go out for a walk), do you feel better about yourself? Most likely yes. And the physical health benefits (weight loss, etc.) also contribute to better confidence in yourself.

Better sleep. HIMbody’s SAND GEMS elements are not mutually exclusive – more exercise results in improved sleep. Try going for an evening walk multiple times a week and see if your sleep improves on those days.

Improves your brain performance by exercising, your brain creates new brain cells which help to reduce cognitive decline and memory loss as we age.

Depending on your current mood and even physical health and mobility, strenuous physical exercise such as lifting weights or cardio such as running aren’t required to help you on the path to better mental well-being. You can go out for a brisk walk, run, or light bike ride and you will see how it improves your mood and overall mental well-being.

You’re just a few clicks away from planning a nice walk (or run or bike), just follow these steps and enjoy the fresh outdoors:

Click on the “View larger map” on the embedded map to open up your Google Maps app.

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