Happy Man Looking at his phone

Sometimes we just need a distraction to escape from the realities of life, although this is not a long-term solution for improving your mental health. It may be that we are not yet ready to seek the help we need or take concrete steps that are part of the SAND GEMS approach, and that is ok.

So in the meantime, do something that will distract you from any negative thoughts or feelings, such as:

– Reading a new book
– Listening to your favourite music
– Watching a new movie or tv show
– Watching your favourite sports team
– Cleaning, tidying up, or fixing something in your home
– Playing video games

These are just some of just many things you can do to distract yourself from the stresses of life.

Sign up today to learn more and get personalized recommendations based on your SAND GEMS assessment.

Humour can often provide some immediate relief, and this Australian man’s videos are absolutely hilarious if you need a laugh or even just a smile to brighten your day.

Subscribe with HIMbody now to stay informed about new content, features, and our exciting phase 2 launch coming in early 2024.

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